Deposit Scheme for Students

ज्ञानदा ठेव योजना

  • Recurring deposit schemes mainly targeting children for fulfilling different purposes like school/college education. This offer financial support to parents hoping to provide a bright future.
Period of Deposit Minimum 5 years and maximum 10 years
Interest Payment Quarterly Compounding Interest payable on maturity
Maximum Amount of Deposit No Limit
Minimum Amount of Deposit Rs. 50/- per month
Pledging of Deposit Allowed
Premature Withdrawal Allowed with penalty of 1% in applicable interest rate for the tenure of deposit as on the date of placement of deposit.
Eligible Depositors Only students from standard 1st to 7th
Deposit Period 60 Month 72 Month 84 Month 96 Month 108 Month 120 Month
Interest rates 6.25% 6.35% 6.45% 6.55% 6.65% 6.75%

विद्याधन ठेव योजना

  • A fixed deposit is ideal for when you want to save your money or build a corpus for meeting your child's financial needs. A fixed deposit for students is helpful because the corpus accumulated can help them meet their milestones later in life.
Period of Deposit 10 years
Interest Payment 7 % interest rate with quarterly compounding interest payable on maturity
Maximum Amount of Deposit No Limit
Minimum Amount of Deposit Rs. 1000/-
Pledging of Deposit Allowed
Premature Withdrawal Allowed with penalty of 1% in applicable interest rate for the tenure of deposit as on the date of placement of deposit.
Eligible Depositors Only students from standard 1st to 7th

Student Deposit Calculator

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  • For Individual Depositors - Extra Interest Benefit of 0.10% for one time Bulk Deposits (Amount of Rs. 15 lakhs & above) invested for 6 months & above.
  • Deposits upto 5 lakhs are insured with DICGC.
  • Nominee facility is available.

To know more for the product visit the nearest branch